So let's see, what do you need to start making money as soon as possible ?

What you want to impress the world and your customers with? 

We'll help you! The way we see it, trading on the internet or offering services on the web has its own, somewhat strange logic. More than anywhere else, you need to be able to put yourself in your customers' shoes. And then, once you feel you're absolutely clear on how your customers think and what they seek, you need to test it. And you'll probably find that it's a little or a lot different than you expected.


A big part of how you succeed is somewhere between knowing and testing whether you're going in the right direction
Let's see: Would it occur to you that if you give customers the option to buy related items in the cart you will probably lose about 10% of the business?
Or: of the 25%, people are more likely to buy when they have the opportunity to read any reviews (even if there are a few negative ones) than when they have none at all?

The customer journey 

Customer journey refers to the overall experience your customer has with you. Together, let's create an intuitive customer journey that will reduce your costs, increase your revenue, and begin to develop customer loyalty.

Acceleration. Automation. Conversion.

This part of the modifications probably doesn't need much elaboration. But the fact remains that they are necessary and they can give you a hard time.

Extension of functionalities

Once we've discussed your project together, we'll help you dream up all the ways you can improve it. And then together we'll find the improvements that will bring the most value for money to your customers and you. That's where we'll start.  Are you excited?

We can help with:  

/ Optimisation

/ Customer journey

/ Speed


/ Conversion

/ Extension of functionalities

E-commerce is not an industry,
e-commerce is a tactic.

- Tobias Lütke, CEO and founder of Shopify

Wanna talk? Let us know!

info@aethero.cz      +420 776 067 663