We are æthero
we make the digital world easier
No matter what we do, we all want the best tools and support. SHOPIFY is a platform set up to grow with you from a seed to an international giant project!
OK, tell me more ➝
We build great
e-shops on SHOPIFY We will help with their modification, connection or custom development.
We have e-COMMERCE in DNA. We optimize and tune UX, CX, CTA GA. We launch MVP and leave KISS ;o)
Do you have clear goals, KPIs, strategy? Do you know where your strengths are and where your products are? Do you communicate with customers both good and bad or are you more hidden? Let's find out together how to be successful. I want to know how ➝
Do you have clear goals, KPIs, strategy? Do you know where your strengths are and where your products are? Do you communicate with customers both good and bad or are you more hidden? Let's find out together how to be successful. I want to know how ➝
In addition to being a buzzword, Digital Experience (that DX in the title) is also everything the world finds out about you when searching for you on the Internet. And it doesn't matter if it's an ad, a video, a website, a photo on LinedIn or a forgotten tweet. And we can reconcile that.
I want this ➝
We breath DESIGN!
We create BRANDs with DX that customers won't forget!
We'll launch your ONLINE MARKETING
and we'll probably improve your offline marketing too
Where do we start? With a new brand or further down the road and need to fine-tune the strategy for a new product? Advertising campaign or going full blast on social media? Show me ➝
We'll launch your ONLINE MARKETINGa we'll probably improve your offline marketing too
Where do we start? With a new brand or further down the road and need to fine-tune the strategy for a new product? Advertising campaign or going full blast on social media? Show me ➝
Wanna talk? Let us know!
info@aethero.cz +420 776 067 663
Putting together a useful piece of code that helps with a specific task is a great feeling.
We've got a meaningful complementary app to your SHOPIFY store, and we're working on more:
Do you have a Shopify webshop and want to easily manage hundreds of products from your supplier or multiple suppliers?
eSyncer automatically syncs your product data between your supplier's XML data source and your Shopify store.
If you have a really hard nut to crack and the unified import application is not enough, we can help you with individual setup.
Custom SHOPIFY extension!
Haven't found functionality on Shopify Marketplace that you really need?
We have our team of experienced developers for you. Together we will discuss your project and find the most effective solution.
We have worked on many different projects, so we can even share funny stories about working with multinationals and other companies over a cup of coffee :-D

About us
æthero was created when we were brought together as freelancers by projects and also by a lucky coincidence. We do work that we enjoy. If you want to know who you'll meet
go here ➝
Expanze do zahraničí
Pokud plánujete se svým byznysem vstoupit na zahraniční trh, neobejdete se bez správně nastavené marketingové strategie...
A co znamená tohle?
IT, design, e-Commerce a marketingové zkratky a „divnoslova”, které se vám bude určitě hodit znát....